Tricks that Actually Add Volume To Thin Hair

Tricks that Actually Add Volume To Thin Hair

Are your spirits getting plagued with the horror of seeing your treasured tresses falling apart? Do you spot the crown of your head balding and receding its dimensions day after day? Lady, it’s time to game up against hair thinning that now needs your desperate attention and Add Volume To Thin Hair. And trust us when we say this, giving volume to thin hair isn’t even that tedious or a herculean task that you think it is. Just simply take a plunge down our list of tricks that’ll not just add volume to your hair weave, but will also help them Add Volume to Thin Hair.

1. Start Oiling

Sounds strange? How could oiling add volume to hair? Well, using niacin and vitamin E rich, chemical-free, hair oils mutate the formation of new hair follicles that are stronger. These follicles grow up to become healthy hair strands that replace lifeless tresses and fill in the balding head crown.

2. Use Volume Adding Shampoos

Voluminous hair is the one that looks fluffy. Using a volume adding shampoo, devoid of mineral oils, removes all build-up from the scalp. Oily scalp that has clogged pores give hair a straight appearance. And we don’t want thin hair to look straight at all. Also, the latest researches have indicated that mineral oils could be playing a part in irritating already irritating skin further. Thus, using such products could lead to hair fall.

A piece of useful advice is never to use too hot or too cold water to rinse your hair. It can damage your hair follicles and lead to hair fall. Lukewarm water is the best bet to help thin and damaged hair regain its lost lustre and volume.

3. Use a volumizing conditioner

You wouldn’t want your already thin hair to fall apart due to dryness. Always remember to immediately cover up your wet tresses with a conditioner. Never use a conditioner on your scalp. It can make your scalp oilier and can clog your pores and lead to dandruff. Start mid-length and run till tips. Let it rest ideally for 5 minutes and wash away till it completely comes off.

4. Use a Hair Serum

Surprised? Against all the tips flooding the web that a hair serum can make thin hair look flatter, we are advising you to use one? Remember, it is very important to understand that heat damages hair in the long run. You need to use a serum that can work as a barrier between a dryer and hair. It helps in giving volume to hair alongside saving them from direct heat. Just in case, if you still want to avoid a serum, go for a volumizing spray that can serve the purpose of a barrier between hair and dryers, and add moisture to the tresses simultaneously.

5. Use a blow dryer

Rather than just letting your hair naturally dry, use a blow dryer. Seal in the settings at the least hot mode, bend your head upside down and start blow-drying your hair. Always wait till the hair are mildly damp. Section the hair using hair clips and blow-dry, individually covering as many portions of hair as you can.

6. Use rollers

Once your hair is dry, use a hair roller. Start at the tip of the crown, folding the hair inwards. This is a nice way to give hair a bouncy look. Directly use a blower in cool settings over the hair while the roller is still on.
After removing the roller, you should cover your hair with an after-style moisturizing hair cream. Just a little is needed. A large amount will volume down your hair giving them a flat look, that we don’t want. Sprinkle hair spray straight over the tresses from roots to tips. You can though skip the hair cream part if your hair isn’t dry and damaged.

7. Try layered haircuts

No matter your hair is medium or long, if they’re thin, you shouldn’t be getting a simple V or U shaped haircut. Give your hair a chance to work with 2 to 3 layers. It deciphers the actual volume and makes hair look thicker, bouncier and fuller.

8. Avoid daily head wash

You don’t want thin and brittle hair to tangle. If you wash your hair every day, there’ll be maximum chances that you’ll be losing some precious strands each time. You shouldn’t ideally come up with styles that need a lot of brushing. Thus, avoid braiding, until necessary.

9. Use a wide-tooth hairbrush

The logic is simple, a wide-tooth hair brush leads to less hair fall while detangling. Less push and pull leads to less hair fall and practically keeps the hair free of split ends.

10. Use hair thickening masks

Instead of plunging in the sea of endless hair thickening masks in the market, customize your mask at home.

Masks :
Simply add 2 tablespoons of egg white with 1 teaspoon of colourless henna, 2 to 3 drops of coconut oil and half a teaspoon of green tea. Mix the ingredients and add water to get a semi runny consistency. Apply on your hair from roots to tips. Leave it on for 45 minutes and wash with tap water. Use it once a week.
Henna works against buildup and green tea kill free radicals. Egg white triggers hair follicle formation by boosting collagen (natural body protein) that results in the formation of new hair strands. And coconut oil makes hair smooth.

A Short ‘Not-to-do’ Guide

Now that you know what to do to add volume to thin hair, we have also fabricated a shortlist of what Not-to-do. Have a look!

  • Do not fold wet hair in a towel. It results in tangling that causes hair to unnecessarily breaking.
  • Do not brush wet hair. Turn your head upside down to brush your hair at all.
  • Do not use a leave-in conditioner. It will make your hair look much flatter than they even are.
  • Do not eat junk. Yes, diet plays its part in hair thinning and thickening. Eat right to gain volume.

And with this, we come to an end of our styling and pampering tips to give thin hair a fuller look. Do leave in the comments section if any of these tips helped you as much as they helped us for Add Volume To Thin Hair.


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