Best Way to Reduce Belly Fat

Hello all, Many people will have this belly fat issue if your here then could be you are the among them. No need to worry about the belly fat am here to help you out about it. Just you need to follow the tips and time to do these and of course a commitment to reduce belly fat.Do you know the most famous and richest person in our country Mukesh ambani son Anant Ambani lost 108 kg in 18 months 😱 it was only done by him with a commitment to reduce his weight by exercise running daily.

I completely understand how embarrassing it will be over your clothes near your tummy and after your meals it looks horrible it feels same for me as well 😞
Don’t be depressed and aim for the reduction of belly fat move on and do it.

Best Way to Reduce Belly Fat


Below are the does and don’t to avoid belly fat :


  • Stop sugar content in takes or beverages
  • Don’t sleep once you have your meals it will increase your belly fat
  • If your working on systems , ensure to have a movement don’t sit for longer time
  • Cut off dairy food intake
  • Avoid junk food, avoid restaurant food instead eat a healthy food


  • Most common tip is to do exercise or early morning walking
  • Do some simple yoga which more concentrate on your stomach part
  • Never miss your breakfast
  • Dont use lift better go with stairs which will help to reduce your belly fat
  • Drink lot of water its health for your health and beauty


Drink :
Early morning drink. Take a lemon and honey, cut lemon and take the juice then take honey one spoon after mix lemon juice and Honey in a glass and drink in the morning every day.

Yoga :
Do yoga best way to reduce belly fat by cobra pose (bujangasanam), plank pose and bow pose will be effective and these are must do pose in yoga.

Food :

  • Eat boiled eggs daily it helps in protein intake
  • Avoid rice and better switch to brown rice, you can also add veggies with this brown rice
  • Eat oatmeal which is high in protein
  • Avoid rice instead eat roti without ghee or oil
  • You can eat fruit salad in the breakfast

Above are the tips hope you liked it share your experience below via a comment and let me know

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  1. I tried to eat healthy and not over eat during dinner to keep my belly in check. I also heard that if you take a walk after every meal it can also help too.

  2. Lemon and honey is my favorite way to start the day. It is so refreshing and good for you. I always stop eating by 8pm. It gives me time to digest before I go to bed.

  3. These are nice tips to keep a check on your belly. A bit hard to follow everything but i think yoga i the best thing for keeping your body fit and sound.

  4. Thanks for the great tips. I think I am following some of them and need to do more. Will be hard to give up white rice, it tastes so good.

  5. The best tip I have it to start your day with water and a healthy breakfast. The hydration is good after a full night’s sleep and jump starting metabolism is ideal.

  6. These are some great tips! I know that we all want to trim down on some of that belly fat and these are great ways to do that.

  7. These are awesome tips, eggs are a great source of protein. I love rice, however, I also lowers my intake.

  8. Lemon juice definitely works. I have tried them for the last couple of years and it does work. It’s not going to happen immediately, it’s going to take a couple of year to show some results

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