Faconn Sandalwood Mist Review

Faconn Sandalwood Mist Review

Faconn Sandalwood Mist Review – Since summers have already begun, our skincare stash also deserves to be changed. And one product that features in my summer skincare staple every year is facial mists. Facial mists have been one of my favourite products. It refreshes and keeps my skin fresh like anything. So, I was excited when I got Faconn Sandalwood Mist as a part of the monthly box from Grabox. Let’s find out if the product fared well on my skincare charter or not. Price of Faconn Sandalwood Mist Rs. 200 Shelf Life: 18 Months Ingredients of Faconn Sandalwood Mist Double Distilled […]

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Grabox May 2018 UnBoxing And Review – Beauty Subscription Box @339 Only

Grabox May 2018 UnBoxing And Review

Grabox May 2018 Beauty Subscription Box @339 Only and Today I am all set to unbox May Beauty Grabox. I just received it yesterday and thus the review of the same follows here. About Grabox Grabox is a monthly subscription box that comes in two variants – The jewellery box which is known as Jewel Grabox and the beauty box which is known as Beauty Grabox. Packaging I received the monthly box in the form of a small carton box that has a red pouch inside it. Once you open the pouch you can see the 7 products inside it. […]

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