Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dark Circles

Hi Guys, Today am gonna post you about Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dark Circles so now i will share you some ways to get rid of dark circles at home under your eyes. Do you know the thinnest skin in our body ? Hmm its under you eye its the thinnest skin in your body ie the reason it needs extra care and that’s why we don’t use any chemical products or face packs around our eye. We try to avoid products around our eyes. Why we get dark circles : Excess stress : In busy life and […]

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Himalaya Mud Face Pack For Oily Skin

Himalaya Mud Face Pack For Oily Skin -Hello lovelies after my review of Himalaya face scrub I got more response’s and asked for Himalaya mud face pack review About Himalaya : Himalaya herbal brands which manufacturers herbal products from skin care to body and baby care they have many products since 1930       About Mud Pack : Mud have an important minerals in it which absorb toxins from the skin from my mother’s time mud packs are famous for skin. Previous we have to get in package but now a days we get them ready-made directly to apply […]

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Hi everyone, Today’s is about Himalaya herbal neem scrub review, we all know the benefits of neem , neem tree has wonderful herbal remedies and benefits. Himalaya Herbal : In Indian market Himalaya herbal is the best Brand for every girl for using skin care products which are herbal with no side effects. We Indian more trust on products which are herbal , as Himalaya does it 😃.   My Experience with Himalaya Herbal Neem Scrub : I started my face care with Himalaya brand and first i though to try it once. So i personal have oily skin and […]

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Ponds Moisturizing Cold Cream Review

Hey, Guys ! How are you doing today? Since from childhood Ponds Moisturizing Cold Cream Review is used by me. Years now still it is effective and used by many Indian. Packing of Ponds Cold Cream : Packing of Ponds Cold Cream comes in a small plastic bottle and a small cap on it. From ages the combination of the packaging is the same Price : INR 5 (7 Grams) My Experience with Ponds Moisturizing Cold Cream Review : Year’s passing by now am using this product. Ponds cold cream is very user friendly to take away and it works […]

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Get Rid of Oily Skin

Get Rid of Oily Skin

We all know how important is our face and to look good. I personally have an oily skin and i will let you know how i take care of my face to get rid of oily skin. Main cause of oily skin would be change of skin products, stress, hormonal imbalance which also leads to pimples on face. Dos and Doesn’t : Do wash your face with lukewarm water for 3-4 times a day Must avoid salt water and use drinking water for face wash which also avoids to acne or pimples Use wet tissues to avoid oiliness on the skin […]

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